Teaching the Weimar Republic & the Rise of Fascism in Europe

Phew, a lot to unpack in that title.

Teaching about the Weimar Republic and the rise of Fascism in Europe can often feel overwhelming due to the sheer volume of information and the complexity of the topics involved. Each year, I find myself questioning whether my students truly grasp the significance of these historical events. Topics like the Weimar Republic, Mussolini’s rise, and the Spanish Civil War often get rushed as we move toward discussing the Holocaust. This accelerated approach may leave students struggling to understand how the trajectory led to genocide.

Usually, the explanation is simplified to “Hitler was evil” or framed as a “crazy time,” which can obscure the deeper understanding of fascism's legacy—a threat that feels alarmingly relevant today.

It’s crucial to recognize that the rise of Fascism was not instantaneous but a gradual process fueled by poverty, desperation, and extreme nationalism. Understanding this slow build-up is essential for comprehending how these regimes gained traction and why such ideologies can resurface.

While I’m still working on refining my resources (including a simulation of the inflation in the Weimar Republic), I’ve developed a straightforward overview of key events that contributed to the rise of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco. This overview is designed to help students better grasp the timeline of historical events.

Check out my rise of Fascism slides in my study store or check out this free Canva link to Hitler’s rise to power here.


FREE (AP) U.S. History Timeline Worksheet


The Summer Slide