Mark your calendars!

Mark your calendars! I'm hosting two workshops over midwinter break.

One workshop is designed to help middle school-aged students develop their writing skills. Many pre-teens have found that their writing skills were negatively impacted during COVID. This workshop is made to give them a boost before high school!

RSVP Link:

The other workshop is open to all creative writers. This will be a space to practice different writing techniques and work on short stories and passion projects while receiving guidance and constructive feedback.

RSVP Link:

Each workshop is only $50 per student for 5-hour long lessons! This is the best value I have ever offered for tutoring sessions! Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. RSVP now to receive a booking link!


Is the Loch Ness monster real!?


I’m early, but I’m excited