I’m early, but I’m excited

Is anyone else excited for Women’s History Month!? I love March for many reasons…my partners birthday, St. Patricks Day, Spring Break, AND Women’s History Month!

I love the chance to highlight impressive women throughout history and the modern day. Women are often overlooked for their accomplishments in history (but not by us!). I plan to put together some great lessons re-visiting some of these unsung heroes and their achievements. So keep an eye out!

But I have a treat for you today too! This is an ELA lesson I put together for a few of my ESL students. This reading, and writing lesson is scaffolded and highlights impressive young women who are achieving great things today! The lesson asks students to read about female role models, and then write a reflection on a woman they admire.

As I mentioned before, this lesson is scaffolded. There are highlighted cut-down slides for lower-level readers. There is a link for more profiles on inspiring women for students who can read ahead! And, there are sentence starters.

Get the lesson here!


Mark your calendars!


The woman we have to thank for MLK Day…