Bracket Challenge: Pirate Edition

I’ve always been enthralled by pirates — much like many students! I had so much designing this interactive lesson for one of my high-level elementary students.

I think one of the things that was always so appealing to me about pirates was the fact that there were female pirates! Piracy seems to be one of the few historical phenomena that depict women as fearsome and capable beings — and there were lots of them!

This lesson introduces some of these formidable women alongside other notorious pirates. Lessons like this are a great way to keep your student’s curiosity growing and their critical thinking skills engaged! (Especially over breaks!)

Students are challenged to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of each pirate. Then, the pirates are pitted against each other in a sports-like bracket!

The student should use their analytical skills to select and defend who they think the ULTIMATE pirate is!

Check it out!

Lesson highlights:

  • interactive

  • vocabulary building

  • argumentative reasoning

  • reading comprehension

Find the full lesson here!


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