Books to read if you’re taking AP U.S. History

I’m a big believer in reading fun books to illustrate the worlds of history. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful books to help us understand the events of the past. Now, these historical-fiction books may not be 100% accurate but they do provide insight on how things looked. Reading books like this is a great way to familiarize yourself with content specific vocabulary and timelines!

If you’re taking APUSH next year and are looking to get ahead try reading one of these books!

A gripping biography of President Teddy Roosvelt.

This book is meant for younger students but I’ll be honest with you, I think about it all the time. It provides great insight into the lives of the first Chinese-American immigrants.

Explore the Louisiana Purchase with the woman who made it possible!

A novel about the tragic golden granddaughter of the Guilded Age…Consuelo Vanderbilt!

There’s also a movie about this one ;) but it’s a gripping story about a boxer during the Great Depression.

A story about the diverse women who helped shape the United States.

A woman’s view on the Revolutionary War when she becomes a spy working against the British.


Calling all future APUSHers…


Books to Read if You’re Taking AP Euro Next Year