Dolly Parton is Always Right

I feel strongly about this statement when discussing most things. Dolly is a feminist, professionally successful, feminine woman who always stuck to her guns. In my humble opinion, she deserves a lot of admiration. But this statement especially rings true when discussing her Imagination Library.

If you’re wondering, “huh?” “what?”, let me introduce you to one of the best things Dolly Parton has every come up with (and no it’s not the title of one of her many iconic tracks).

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a program that mails FREE, quality books to children from birth to age five no matter their family’s income.

I grew up knowing about this program because my Grandmother, and Father after her passing, advocated for accessibility to literature.

Robust research (Child Mind Institute) supports that reading daily or being read to daily significantly promotes language and emotional development. Simply by reading to your child, you have the potential to put them ahead of the learning curve as soon as they enter kindergarten.

Imagination Library serves students across the nation and even internationally! Do your child a favor and go register them!


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